As (one of the) current 'editor(s)', I would definitely strongly oppose requiring any tag use for feeds in the aggregator, so don't worry about that, it's not going to happen if I have anything to say about it. (I am still more than happy to include targetted feeds of of a particular blog, if the person making the request to have that blog suggests it, or, I suppose, at editors discretion if we go with the editors discretion thing... ). If everyone is fine with 'editorial discretion' for removing feeds, that's certainly fine with me. It sounds like everyone is. Then we won't have to spam this list with every little detail. I thought before there would be significant opposition to that idea, perhaps I was wrong. It still seems like a good idea that the editors will notify on the listserv when we remove something? I guess Antonio Barrera will be joining me as an 'editor'. Thanks Antonio. Jonathan K.G. Schneider wrote: >>>> My advice at this point would be to identify the editor(s) of >>>> in the page itself (like it is displayed at >>>> and to empower the editor(s) to adjust >>>> things as needed. The editors can then go about the business of >>>> managing the planet in the way that best suits them. >>>> >>>> > > +1 , as a blog author who would prefer not to have to flag her content > for a feed she didn't design ("Hi, we created this feed. Now, we don't > like everything you write!" Well, then don't aggregate it...). > > Karen S. > > -- Jonathan Rochkind Digital Services Software Engineer The Sheridan Libraries Johns Hopkins University 410.516.8886 rochkind (at)