

To be specific, currently supported record formats for an OpenSearch query
of the WorldCat API are Atom and RSS as well as the preformatted citation.

On 6/23/08 6/23/08 • 10:18 PM, "Godmar Back" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Thanks --- let me do some "query refinement" then -- does anybody know of
> examples where record metadata (e.g., MARCXML or DC) is returned as an
> OpenSearch response?  [ If I understand the proposed Worldcat API correctly,
> OpenSearch is used only for pre-formatted citations in HTML. ]
>  - Godmar
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:54 AM, Roy Tennant <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I believe WorldCat qualifies, although the API is not yet ready for general
>> release (but soon):
>> <>
>> Roy
>> On 6/23/08 6/23/08 € 8:55 PM, "Godmar Back" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> are there any examples of functioning OpenSearch interfaces to library
>>> catalogs or library information systems?
>>> I'm specifically interested in those that not only advertise a text/html
>>> interface to their catalog, but who include OpenSearch response elements.
>>> One example I've found is Evergreen; though it's not clear to what extent
>>> this interface is used or implemented. For instance, their demo
>>> installation's OpenSearch description advertises an ATOM feed, but what's
>>> returned doesn't validate. (*)
>>> Are there other examples deployed (and does anybody know applications
>> that
>>> consume OpenSearch feeds?)
>>>  - Godmar
>>> (*) See, for instance:
>>> archTerms=music&startPage=&startIndex=&count=&searchLang
>>> which is not a valid ATOM feed:
>>> Dmusic%26startPage%3D%26startIndex%3D%26count%3D%26searchLang
>> --
