

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Steve Oberg <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I fully realize how much of a risk that is in terms of reliability and
> maintenance.  But right now I just want a way to do this in bulk with a high
> level of accuracy.

How bad is it, really, if you get some (5%?) bad requests into your
document delivery system? Customers submit poor quality requests by
hand with some frequency, last I checked...

Especially if you can hack your system to deliver the original
citation all the way into your doc delivery system, you may be able to
make the case that 'this is a good service to offer; let's just deal
with the bad parses manually.'

Trying to solve this via pure technology is gonna get into a world of
diminishing returns. A surprising number of citations in references
sections are wrong. Some correct citations are really hard to parse,
even by humans who look at a lot of citations.

ParsCit has, in my limited testing, worked as well as anything I've
seen (commercial or OSS), and much better than most.

My $0.02,