

Cloutman, David wrote:
> I interviewed at a company a while back that had four developers on
> staff that was using the Zend Framework coupled with the Yahoo! UI
> library. They seemed happy with their technology stack. I think their
> choice was driven mostly by corporate backing and name recognition of
> these two platforms. I have not used either personally.
> Also take a look at Symfony. I went to a meetup a while back, and was
> impressed by how this framework offered a complete technology stack
> while retaining modularity, so if you didn't like the default
> components, you could easily swap them for something else. This sort of
> framework modularization seems to work in the Java world, where a single
> application might integrate bits and pieces of Spring, Hibernate,
> Struts, etc. Personally, I prefer this paradigm to something like Rails
> (or Cake PHP, to put it in a PHP context), where you pretty have to do
> it one way - or else. At least that's been my perception playing with
> Rails and Cake PHP. Your mileage may vary, however. I don't know where
> Zend falls into this spectrum.
I can't agree more with David on this.  Although I'm relatively new to 
the PHP world I have done a lot of Java development  and a strong 
believer in the MVC paradigm.  I would go a step further and consider 
how a framework can support exposing view agnostic services by building 
a service layer into the Model.   I am planning on submitting a proposal 
"any day now" for the Code4Lib conference that demonstrates a prototype 
I'm developing for a Library Assets service.