

Birkin James Diana wrote:
> Yesterday I attended a session of the DLF Fall Forum at which Ryan Chute 
> presented on djatoka, the open-source jpeg2008 image-server he and 
> Herbert Van de Sompel just released.
> It's very cool and near the top of my crowded list of things to play with.
> If any of you have had the good fortune to experiment with it or 
> implement it into some workflow, get over to the code4libcon09 
> presentation-proposal page pronto! And if you're as jazzed about it as I 
> am, and know it'll be as big in our community as I think it will, 
> consider a pre-conf proposal, too.
> -Birkin
> <>
> <>

This looks very cool and considering that I've already been using aDORe 
as a repository for storing a large (very large) number of scanned 
images (in JPEG2000 format) it's probably something that I should look at.

I've already got a session proposal submitted for Code4Lib but I doubt 
I'll be able to do anything for a pre-conference since I also hope to be 
attending the JA-SIG conference the week after (I'm on the planning 
committee...again) and with travel budgets getting cut right and left 
and/or under extreme scrutiny I'm going to have a difficult time as it 
is justifying attending both conferences.  After Roy's recent posting 
about the conference location I'm even more hyped about going to 
Code4Lib but as we're starting to build up the program from the JA-SIG 
conference I'm getting more hyped about that as well.