

Thanks Roy, so glad you are continuing to push this forward.


Roy Tennant wrote:
> Having brought up the question of a Code4Lib logo, and then forcing not one,
> but two, votes on you all I realize I have been remiss in not taking the
> next step. If I didn't know any better, I would think that I've been
> distracted recently by, uh, some sort of public relations disaster or
> something. But anyway, I digress.
> A month ago, at the end of the second vote[1] that determined we would work
> with Stephanie Brinley, I called for volunteers to work on an ad hoc task
> force to shepherd the process. As Leslie Johnston said at one point "The key
> to working with a professional is in identifying the design "program" ‹ what
> the organization's "story" is, who its community is, and who you want to get
> your message to with the branding, as well as identifying what uses the logo
> will be used for ‹ print, promotional items (t-shirts, hats, temporary
> tatoos, whatever), online ‹ which has on effect on the deliverables, e.g.
> file sizes and formats." David Cloutman also talked about developing a
> "requirements document" that could be vetted on the list.
> I suggest drafting something of no more than one page in length to provide
> such background and guidance. I and whomever wishes to join me will draft
> it, post it to the list for wider feedback, revise it based on that
> feedback, and contact Stephanie. I will begin this now, so if you want to be
> involved please let me know. Thanks,
> Roy
> [1]

Jonathan Rochkind
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at)