

On 2/11/09 5:11 PM, "Bucknell, Terry" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> We are working on creating APIs to let groups like the code4lib community
> extract our data in more flexible ways, but it has been pointed out to us -
> see 
> ty-please/ - that all you really need (at least at first) is a simple
> tab-delimited file that contains titles, ISSNs, and feed URIs for all of the
> journals in tocTOCs. We now provide precisely this at

This is pretty cool. I can see:

  1. Selecting one or more of the RSS feeds that fit within
     the collection development policy of a particular library

  2. Regularly visiting the RSS feeds to extract the metadata
     of newly available articles

  3. Adding that metadata to a library's "next generation"
     library catalog/index

  4. And you can figure out the rest

Such a thing would be complementary to the article-level metadata available
from the DOAJ. Hmmm...  ticTOC++

Eric Lease Morgan
Head, Digital Access and Information Architecture Department
Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

(574) 631-8604