

Ross Singer wrote:
> Well, there's the project by Alistair Miles that Karen alluded to earlier:
> The goals of this project are, in my mind, crucial in moving forward,
> since it's taking our existing corpus of records and turning them into
> RDA/RDF.  Not only is it a good proof of concept to show how these new
> data models would look and work (esp. how they would work w/r/t to
> current applications/workflows), but, more importantly, it shows it
> can be done *with our current data* alleviating the need for some
> unrealistic retrospective recataloging effort.
> I guess the way I look at it is, there's still time to fix this, at
> least technologically.  There is a difference between the standard,
> the data model and the application.

An interesting experiment would be to attempt to use the cataloger's use 
cases that Alistair worked from, but instead of using the RDA vocabulary 
to use That would give us something comparative to 
look at. If bibo+frbr can do all or even a lot of what RDA does, then we 
can demonstrate a different model and explain why one is better than the 
other (or at least that more than one model will work).


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
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ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234