

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Roy Tennant <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> It is worth following up on Xiaoming's statement of a limit of 100 uses per
> day of the xISSN service with the information that exceptions to this
> limite
> are certainly granted. Annette probably knows that just such an exception
> was granted to her LibX project, and LibX remains the single largest user
> of
> this service.
> Roy

Yes, Roy is correct.

We are very grateful for OCLC's generous support and would like to
acknowledge that publicly.

FWIW, I suggested the inclusion of ticTOCs RSS feed data in the survey OCLC
sent out two weeks ago, and less than a week later, OCLC rolls out the
improved service. Excellent!

[ As an aside, in LibX, we are changing the way we use the service;
previously, we were looking up all ISSNs on any page a user visits; we are
now retrieving the metadata if the user actually hovers over the link. Not
that OCLC complained - but CrossRef did when they noticed > 100,000 hits per
day against their service for DOI metadata lookups. In fairness to CrossRef,
they are working on beefing up their servers as well. ]

 - Godmar & Annette for Team LibX.