

Please excuse duplicate postings.

Hello All,

I have a contract to deliver a book on the changing role of Systems
Librarians and Systems Offices in libraries to  Chandros Publishing in
the UK by April 1 2010.  I am looking for contributors who can provide
a chapter  on the subject.  Of special interest are

* IT infrastructure

* Relationships with Vendors

* Library culture

* Public Relations/Marketing/Fundraising

* Open Source Software

* Hosted databases

and how these have changed what you do over the past few years.  Since
this is a British Publisher any contribution from outside the US would
be especially interesting.  If you are a Systems Librarian (or
equivalent) and would like to submit a chapter please send me a
proposal.  It does not have to be formal at this point, just a
paragraph or two on what you would write about and your contact
information.  Deadline for chapters in January 1, 2010.  Please
address all inquiries to [log in to unmask]


Edward Iglesias
Systems Librarian
Central Connecticut State University