

Digital Preservation Colleagues: 


Early bird registration ends September 11 for the International
Preservation conference, iPRES 2009, held this year October 5-6 in San
Francisco.  Also, note that hotel group rates are only guaranteed if
reserved by early September.


The premiere conference for people working to preserve the world's
cultural and scholarly digital heritage, from local to national and
international levels, this sixth annual event in the iPRES series
follows meetings in London and Beijing.  The conference will present a
strong program,


with highlights that include


   *  David Kirsch giving a keynote address entitled: "The Public

      Interest in Private Digital Records and Why We Should Care if

      Corporations have the Right to be Forgotten."


   *  Micah Altman giving a keynote on Harvard's premier data archive.


   *  Members of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital

      Preservation and Access hosting a keynote panel: "Perspectives

      on the Economics of Sustainable Digital Preservation."


   *  Henry Lowood on "Memento Mundi: Are Virtual Worlds History?"


   *  Martha Anderson on "The National Digital Stewardship Alliance

      Charter: Enabling Collaboration to Achieve National Digital



   *  A panel discussion with Tyler Walters, Liz Bishoff, Emily Gore,

      Mark Jordan and Thomas Wilson on "Distributed Digital

      Technical, Sustainability, and Organizational Developments."


Expect leading researchers and practitioners in digital preservation to
discuss current and future projects, developments and trends.  It will
be unofficial "digital preservation week" in San Francisco,


with the following related events occurring around the same time:


1.  PREMIS Implementation Fair


2.  JHOVE2 workshop


3.  Sun-PASIG (Sun Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group)


4.  International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) open meeting:

    "Active Solutions for Preserving Internet Content"



Thanks again to our sponsors for their generous support of iPRES 2009:

Sun (Platinum level); Isilon Systems, ExLibris, and IMLS (Gold level);
Tessella and JISC (Silver level); NetApp, Filetek and NDIIPP (Bronze
level); and DuraSpace (Sponsor). 


Have a look at our Social Networking page and join us on Facebook,
Twitter (hashtag #ipres09), Crowdvine and Flickr.


October brings San Francisco's best weather.  We look forward to seeing
you then.



Trisha Cruse and the iPRES 2009 Program Committee

Patricia Cruse
Director, Digital Preservation Program
California Digital Library
University of California 