

On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:33 AM, Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:

> Erik Hatcher wrote:
>> The Lucene Highlighter doesn't require that the text you want  
>> highlighted be stored.  In fact, you can pass in any arbitrary text  
>> to the Highlighter.
> Thanks Erik,
> What I'm looking for is to return the context of the search result,  
> not just the ID of the containing document - e.g. when all I input  
> is "yak culture," I get back the context from the document as a  
> search result, without having to retrieve the doc itself:
> ... addressing the fine points of <strong>yak culture</strong>, the  
> zoosociologists took into account ...
> GS out of the box does not appear to support this, as it does not  
> store the fulltext in the index.  So yes, I can highlight stuff, but  
> as it stands, I don't have the text to work with.  IANA Lucene guru,  
> so correct me if I misunderstand.

I'm a bit confused then.  You mentioned that somehow Zend Lucene was  
going to help, but if you don't have the text to highlight anywhere  
then the Highlighter isn't going to be of any use.  Again, you don't  
need the full text in the Lucene index, but you do need it get it from  
somewhere in order to be able to highlight it.
