Hello all On behalf of the Danes from the State and University Library of Denmark - Jørn, Michael, Mads & myself, I'm sorry to say that we won't be attending code4lib 2010 after all. Jørn and Michael were to present "Kill the Search Button", which they have put a great deal of time and energy into, so they are double plus sorry about it. This morning we were hit by a double snow-whammy: Our first plane was delayed due to snow and an incompetent snow mover forgot that not only does planes need to have a clear runway, they also need to be able to get to that runway. The extended delay made us miss our flight across the pond and while alternate routes could get us to Asheville, they could not do it in time for code4lib 2010. We had a fantastic time last year and we hope that the weather gods will be more cooperative next year. Have a great time, Jørn, Michael, Mads & Toke