There are now separate pages for each presentation linked off of These have (or will have) more information, links, contact info, and eventually video. Those will also get linked off the main schedule page as well. Like last year: We want a copy of the slides of all presentations to store on If you want to link additional versions at Google Docs or Slideshare that's fine. Some of you have sent in or posted your presentations and I linked most of them up already. Presenters with user accounts on (not the wiki) should be able to add links or other info and upload their slides to Look for an "edit" tab at the top of the page when you're logged in. You can also email me the files directly at [log in to unmask] This doesn't all need to happen today (Thursday) so please don't flood the network. Sometime this weekend or next week is fine. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for a great conference! Ryan Wick (wickr)