

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Benjamin Young <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> A CouchDB friend of mine just pointed me to the BibJSON format by the
> Bibliographic Knowledge Network:
> Might be worth looking through for future collaboration/transformation
> options.

marc-json and BibJSON serve two different purposes:  marc-json would
need to be a loss-less serialization of a MARC record which may or may
not contain bibliographic data (it may be an authority, holding or CID
record, for example).  BibJSON is more of a merging of data model and
serialization (which, admittedly, is no stranger to MARC) for the
purpose of bibliographic /citations/.  So it will probably be lossy
and there would most likely be a lot of MARC data that is out of

That's not to say it wouldn't be useful to figure out how to get from
MARC->BibJSON, but from my perspective it's difficult to see the
advantage it brings (being tied to JSON) vs. BIBO.
