

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Simon Spero wrote:

> That reminds me - can you enplanet Fred 2.0?
> I think it's in Planet Cataloging, but not Planet code4lib?
> Simon
>   Sure, no problem. I do like to put an actual 'real name' (person or
> organization) with all feeds in the planet, I don't like having 'anonymous'
> feeds. What person or organization should I list with that one, is it yours?

Are you following AACR II?

Under 21.26A[1] there should be two entries.
The main entry, formed per  22.14A  should be *Kilgour, Fredrick G. (Spirit)
There should also be an added entry, formed under the general rules of 22.1,
of *Spero, Simon*

Since the planet does use inverted order, but also combines multiple entries
into a single main entry (e.g. "*Powell,  Andy and Johnston, Pete*"),
perhaps the appropriate form should be:

*Kilgour, Fredrick G. (Spirit) / through the hand of Spero, Simon *


[1] Yes, this is a real rule! Nancy Babb wrote an
paper exploring how this rule came to be, and how it sheds light on
the evolution of cataloging rules and the theories behind them.

Babb, N. M. (2005). Cataloging Spirits and the Spirit of Cataloging.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 40(2), 89.

Specific rules within the cataloging codes may seem strange and out of step
> with the times in which the codes are used. This paper examines one such
> seemingly strange set of rules, those regarding spirit communications, and
> explores how these rules illuminate both historical developments and current
> practices in cataloging. Anglo-American cataloging rules regarding author
> entry for works of spirit communication are particularly illustrative of
> evolving theories of authorship and bibliographic identity in the library
> catalog.

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