

Here is the API response Umlaut provides to OpenURL requests with 
standard scholarly formats.  This API response is of course to some 
extent customized to Umlaut's particular context/use cases, it was not 
neccesarily intended to be any kind of standard -- certainly not with as 
wide-ranging intended domain as OpenURL's 1.0 intent (which never really 
caught on), it's targetted at standard actually-existing link resolver 
use cases in the scholarly environment.

But, here you go, live even:

Json is also available. Note that complete results do not neccesarily 
show up at first, some information is still being loaded in the 
background.  You can refresh the URL to see more results, you'll know 
when the back-end server has nothing left to give you when 
<complete>true</complete> is present.

Another XML response with embedded HTML snippets is also available (in 
both XML and Json):

Ross Singer wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Eric Hellman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> OK, what does the EdSuRoSi spec for OpenURL responses say?
> Well, I don't think it's up to us and I think it's dependent upon
> community profile (more than Z39.88 itself), since it would be heavily
> influenced with what is actually trying to be accomplished.
> I think the basis of a response could actually be another context
> object with the 'services' entity containing a list of
> services/targets that are formatted in some way that is appropriate
> for the context and the referent entity enhanced with whatever the
> resolver can add to the puzzle.
> This could then be taken to another resolver for more services layered on.
> This is just riffing off the top of my head, of course...
> -Ross.