

We are just starting to use DAIA for a small holdings register of 
journals holdings in connection with Vufind and the new DAIA-Driver in 

Since the holdings register is not a big union-catalog, but rather a 
simple database in which you simply mark which Journal (ISSN) you have 
for which periode, we do send the requests by OpenURL, do some 
ISSN-Mapping and send back DAIA-responses.

We will use that in connection with an open and cooperative reference 
database for nursing literature.

DAIA works very fine for us.

There should perhaps be an official way to request subsets of holdings 
and transport some information e.g. about ILL fees in DAIA (probably you 
can for the later in the limitation tag?).

But we work around by combining that with IP-based requests. So we can 
do crazy stuff like showing institution specific availability in the 
overview of a search, and showing general availability in the details of 
a record.

I think Jakob created with DAIA a simple an lightweighted solution to a 
real problem in the library world.


Jakob Voss schrieb:
> Owen wrote:
>> Although part of the problem is that you might want to offer any 
>> service on
>> the basis of an OpenURL the major use case is supply of a document 
>> (either
>> online or via ILL) - so it strikes me you could look at DAIA
>> ?
>> Jakob does this make sense?
> Just having read Joel Spolsky's article about Architecture Astronauts 
> that Mike pointed to [1] I hesitate to propagate what you can all do 
> with DAIA. But your use case makes sense if you want to offer services 
> provided or mediated by a specific institution (such as a library) with 
> a specific publication.
> Inspired by your idea to combine OpenURL and DAIA I update the DAIA perl 
> library [2] and hacked a DAIA server that also understands some very 
> limited OpenURL (it only knows books with ISBN):
> You can look up which library has a specific publication in the GBV 
> library union by its identifier:
> or by OpenURL
> Have a look at the simple source code of this script at
> I want to stress that this demo DAIA server does not use the full 
> expression power of DAIA, in fact it does not provide any availability 
> information at at - but you hopefully get the concept.
> Cheers
> Jakob
> [1]
> [2]