

I _believe_ that the OCLC FirstSearch shibboleth server is still down, 
for anyone who tries to send their users to FirstSearch via Shibboleth.

Simon Spero wrote:
> At least it wasn't  a "totally transparent"  UPS test scheduled for the
> Thursday of Thanksgiving weekend.  My personal philosophy is that every rack
> should have its own UPS separate from the data center one, with enough
> capacity to keep going through blips,and handle a clean shutdown if
> necessary.  That way,  when the ops team messes up, far fewer sysadmins get
> their weekend ruined.
> Of course, the real problem is that too many people are writing unoptimized
> code in energy-inefficient languages like ruby and PHP, which require far
> more servers, and far more cooling, to do the same work as properly written
> code.  If carbon emissions should turn out to be a  strong forcer  of global
> warming, then we can clearly say that every time you write  PHP, Phil Jones
> kills a polar bear. Please, think of the polar bears.
> Simon