

Mike Taylor wrote:
> What communities?  
All  I know is we here on this very list had some people _insisting_ 
that "federated search" _really_ meant aggregated index, and "meta 
search" _really_ meant broadcast search, and other people insisting the 
opposite.  Both sides had citations to the literature.

I'm uninterested in arguing about what words "really" mean. Clearly 
these words have been used both ways in the profession and the literature.

So I don't see any way around it by trying to find other words that 
attempt be harder to use more than one way. As you can see, I like 
"broadcast search" and "aggregated index".

> Maybe we on the CODE4LIB list collectively carry
> enough weight that we could take the most prevalent meanings and
> propagate them?
Ha, ha. Good luck with that.  What we CAN do is spend a couple months 
arguing about what the words REALLY mean on the list (we're good at 
that), and then vote, and then have everyone else ignore the vote anyway.
