

Having read the rest of this thread, I find that nothing that's been
said changes my initial gut reaction on reading this question: DO NOT
USE DCTERMS.  It's vocabulary is Just Plain Inadequate, and not only
for esoteric cases like the Alternative Chronological Designation of
First Issue or Part of Sequence field that Karen mentioned.  Despite
having 70 (seventy!) elements, it's lacking fundamental fields for
describing articles in journals -- there are no journalTitle, volume,
issue, startPage or endPage fields.  That, for me, is a deal-breaker.

(For anyone who wonders: MODS does have a way to represent these
elements, although they are unnecessarily complicated as the example

For anyone who enjoys weeping freely, I recommend the document
Guidelines for Encoding Bibliographic Citation Information in Dublin
Core Metadata, available at

On 28 April 2010 17:56, MJ Suhonos <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm digging into earlier threads on Code4Lib and NGC4lib and trying to get some concrete examples around the DCTERMS element set — maybe I haven't been a subscriber for long enough.
> What I'm looking for in particular are things I can work with *in code/implementation*, most notably:
> - does there exist a MODS-to-DCTERMS (or vice-versa) crosswalk anywhere?  I see one for collections: <> and <> for MARC but my ideal use case is, eg. an XSLT to turn a MODS document into an XML-encoded DCTERMS document.  Surely someone has done this?
> (I'm sure I've oversimplified or misunderstood something, but hopefully the general approach is understandable)
> - for that matter, is there a good example of how to "properly" serialize DCTERMS for eg. a converted MARC/MODS record in XML (or RDF/XML)?  I see, eg. <> which has been replaced by <> but I'm not sure if the latter obviates the former entirely?  Also, the examples at the bottom of the latter don't show, eg. repeated elements or DCMES elements.  Do we abandon entirely?
> For example, is this valid?
> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
>  xmlns:dcterms=""
>  xmlns:dc=" ">
>  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>  <dc:title xml:lang="en">Learning Biology</dcterms:title>
>  <dcterms:title xml:lang="en">Learning Biology</dcterms:title>
>  <dcterms:alternative xml:lang="en">A primer on biological processes</dcterms:title>
>  <dcterms:creator xml:lang="en">Bar, Foo</dcterms:creator>
>  <dcterms:creator xml:lang="en">Smith, Jane</dcterms:creator>
>  <dc:creator xml:lang="en">Bar, Foo</dc:creator>
>  <dc:creator xml:lang="en">Smith, Jane</dc:creator>
>  </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>
> Apologies for any questions that seem silly or naive — I think i have a pretty firm grasp on the levels of abstraction involved, but for the life of me, I can't find much solid stuff about DCTERMS outside of the DCMI website, which can be a bit of a challenge to navigate at times.
> Thanks,
> MJ