

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Ethan Gruber <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hmm, interesting.  Facebook is on the way out, anyway.  The question is
> what
> social network, if any, will replace it.

My Geek Ire is as aroused as anyone else's over privacy concerns and such,
but with half a billion users, all but roughly 11 of whom couldn't possibly
care any less about privacy and/or don't know anything about it, Facebook is
hardly "on the way out" any more than Google is. Certainly both will someday
be replaced, but I recommend breathing normally between now and then, as
opposed to holding your breath ...

The fact that something is good doesn't mean people will use it. The fact
that something is bad doesn't mean they won't (thank god, or our OPACs would
be mostly ignored...)
