

It is what youropenbook is using:


On 10-06-21 07:40 PM, Bill Dueber wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Ethan Gruber<[log in to unmask]>  wrote:
>> Hmm, interesting.  Facebook is on the way out, anyway.  The question is
>> what
>> social network, if any, will replace it.
> My Geek Ire is as aroused as anyone else's over privacy concerns and such,
> but with half a billion users, all but roughly 11 of whom couldn't possibly
> care any less about privacy and/or don't know anything about it, Facebook is
> hardly "on the way out" any more than Google is. Certainly both will someday
> be replaced, but I recommend breathing normally between now and then, as
> opposed to holding your breath ...
> The fact that something is good doesn't mean people will use it. The fact
> that something is bad doesn't mean they won't (thank god, or our OPACs would
> be mostly ignored...)
>   -Bill-

Nick Ruest
Digital Strategies Librarian
Vice President - McMaster University Academic Librarians Association

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