

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

DC2010 is a week away, and I hope many of you are planning to attend.

As co-convenor of the special sessions on linked data, I wanted to let 
you know what to expect from these meetings. While there's plenty of 
linked data related goodness throughout the conference program, the 
linked data special sessions are as follows:

* Thu, 10/21, 2-3:30: Domain Models
* Thu, 10/21, 4-5:30: Vocabulary Selection and Development
* Fri, 10/22, 4-5:30: Breakout sessions & Follow-up

Karen Coyle and I will be co-moderating the 1st two sessions, and one or 
both of us will be moderating the discussions for the third. The 3 
sessions will be run as a mini-un-conference within the larger space of 

Beginning during registration at 8am on Wed, 10/20, there will be a 
signup sheet for lightening talks for the 1st two sessions. If you'll be 
in attendance, and would like to give a short, 5 minute talk on either 
data models for your domain, or work that you're doing on crafting an 
RDF vocabulary for a particular project, we'd like to devote at least 
20-30 minutes for each of these two sessions to participation from 
attendees. The remainder of the sessions will be brainstorming sessions, 
similar to the session Karen and I ran at ALA in Washington this Summer:

The third session will be a mix of wrap up, discussion, identification 
of next steps, and collection of comments and ideas to share with both 
the DCMI Architecture Forum and the W3C Library Linked Data incubator 
group. The former will be meeting concurrently with our third session on 
Friday, and the latter will be having a Face to Face meeting over the 
weekend. If there are potential linked data use cases emerging from 
these sessions, groups may want to work on writing them up for 
submission to the W3C group. Attendees interested in discussion of 
developing application profiles based on the data models and 
vocabularies discussed in sessions one & two may wish to attend the 
first half of "Application Profiles for Linked Data: Models & 
Requirements" from 2-3:30pm on 10/22. If there is sufficient interest, a 
group of us could split off to prepare a short report to present at part 
2 of that session.

Further information about DC-2010, including program descriptions, is 
available online at:

Please let me know if you have any questions about this series of 
special sessions, and we look forward to seeing you at DC2010.

-Corey A Harper
Corey A Harper
Metadata Services Librarian
New York University Libraries
20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003-7112
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