

Attached is a template prepared by Michelle at LC for the Work Groups to use to outline our work for the year.  This will guide our agenda for the meeting.  I realize that some of our members cannot sit in on the call, but there will be other opportunities for them to give us input into our plan for the coming year.  The meeting agenda is below.

Call in information:

Call-in toll-free number:  866-469-3239

Participant access code:  21408589


-Brief introductions and verification of information on the draft membership list included on the attached template

- Quick overview of Citizen Journalist meeting this week at LC and the content they produce that presents problems for capture and archiving

-Statement of purpose for this work group

-Scope of work - we will use the ideas presented on the IdeaScale site ( and discuss our priorities.  Additional suggestions may be presented on the call.  We are charged to focus on one or two ideas that our members will agree to work on together.

-Communication and collaboration tools to be used by the group

-Meetings - regularly scheduled - frequency?  Day of the week?  Time that accommodates all time zones?  Best method for scheduling (doodle poll)?

(Note to Abby:  Do we need to find someone to do meeting notes?)

Please let Abby and me know if you have anything you would like to add to the agenda.


Cathy N. Hartman
Associate Dean
University of North Texas Libraries