

Content WG Members,
Thanks to all of you who were available to join the first Working Group meeting on November 5th.  Attached are drafts of the charter document that each WG has been asked to prepare and the notes from our meeting.  Please review both documents and respond to the group for further discussion of either document.

As Abbie and I worked together on the charter, we have questions for you in the sections on "purpose" and "scope of work."   As we reviewed the minutes from the call, we realized that there was significant discussion about the selection of culturally significant content.  Do we want to continue that discussion in some way?  If not, we will remove the statement about this from the WG purpose.   If so, what would be the output of that discussion - preparation of guidelines, a summary of issues, other?

In the Scope of Work section, Abbie and I discussed if non-NSDA members might be involved as "trusted" partners to host and preserve content.  We are not sure how we would determine trusted status.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Please review the other sections of the charter and let us know of any corrections that need to be made.  The Library is setting up a wiki for the NSDA, and the Content WG will have a section on that wiki, but it will be a few weeks before it is ready for use.

We would like to have a final draft of these documents for your review and vote at our December 8th meeting.  Your review between now and December 1st would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Abbie and Cathy

Cathy N. Hartman
Associate Dean
University of North Texas Libraries