

Hello NDSA colleagues! Attached you will find notes from yesterday's NDSA Standards and Practices Working Group meeting. We had a very productive conversation that went a long way towards refining our Working Group Scope Statement. We also started defining a task that we would like to work on over the next several months. For more information on the work, take a look through the notes and the draft of the scope statement we are working on (both are attached).

We also kicked around some new ideas for work, which will be added to the working group's IdeaScale space ( so keep an eye out for new ideas there. New ideas and comments on existing ideas are very welcome!

We also identified the week of December 6 as best for our next meeting. The meeting with likely be a WebEx. I have created a Doodle poll here Please add your availability to the poll at your earliest convenience.

I'm looking forward to talking with you in December!

Jimi Jones
Information Technology Specialist
Office of Strategic Initiatives
Library of Congress

(202) 707-2846
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