No, that's expected behavior (and how it's always been). You'd need to do reader.rewind to put your enumerator cursor back to 0 to run back over the records. It's basically an IO object (since that's what it expects as input) and behaves like one. -Ross. On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Cory Rockliff <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > So I was taking ruby-marc out for a spin in irb, and encountered a bit of a surprise. Running the following: > > require 'marc' > reader ='filename.mrc') > reader.each {|record| puts record['245']} > > produces the expected result, but every subsequent call to reader.each {|record| puts record['245']} returns nil. > > Am I missing something obvious? I don't remember this being the case before. > > Thanks! > > Cory > > [running ruby-marc off the github repo / os x 10.6.5 / ruby 1.9.2 via rvm / rubygems via homebrew] >