

Wow, I'd hate to do a border crossing with exploded bottles. 
I've driven from PA to FL with cases in picnic coolers.

Freeze some ice packs. I use the flexible plastic types.

Cool brew -- then include several ice packs in the center of the cooler.

-- I have never tried, but could work... 

Fill empties 1/2 way with water, leave uncapped (allow for expansion of
H2O), freeze.
Once frozen -- use your capping tool to cap the bottles, include in the mix.

Be sure to label frozen water as such -- avoid confusion :)

James Gilbert, BS, MLIS
Systems Librarian
Whitehall Township Public Library
3700 Mechanicsville Road
Whitehall, PA 18052
610-432-4330 ext: 203

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
Joshua Gomez
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 12:11 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Craft Brew Drinkup at Code4lib 2011

Do you guys have any tips on transporting your brews?  I've seen a bottle of
tequila that exploded in a friend's suitcase on the way back from Mexico and
I'd rather not smell like beer all week.

>>> "Mark A. Matienzo" <[log in to unmask]> 1/24/2011 9:41 AM >>>
Do you like really good beer and/or would you possibly be willing to
bring some in your luggage to Bloomington?

A small group of Code4libbers is self-organizing a Craft Brew Drinkup
at Code4lib. The general idea is that people bring beer that they love
or at least think other people should try. We'll find a time to sit
and taste everyone's selections. You don't have to bring beer to
attend or participate, but it certainly helps to ensure that we have
enough to go around. If you're a homebrewer, you're welcome to bring
your own if you think it will pass our muster.

I have created a signup sheet on the wiki - please post there with
your name, location, ideas of what you might bring, and potential
requests for others. 

Mark A. Matienzo
Digital Archivist, Manuscripts and Archives
Yale University Library