

+1 for eric and peter.
A resource's URL has to be the one in the location bar. That's the one
the delicious bookmarklet will grab, etc.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Peter Murray <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Erik Hetzner wrote:
>> At Wed, 26 Jan 2011 13:57:42 -0600,
>> Pottinger, Hardy J. wrote:
>>> Hi, this topic has come up for discussion with some of my
>>> colleagues, and I was hoping to get a few other perspectives. For a
>>> public interface to a repository and/or digital library, would you
>>> make the handle/PURL an active hyperlink, or just provide the URL in
>>> text form? And why?
>>> My feeling is, making the URL an active hyperlink implies confidence
>>> in the PURL/Handle, and provides the user with functionality they
>>> expect of a hyperlink (right or option-click to copy, or bookmark).
>> A permanent URL should be displayed in the address bar of the user’s
>> browser. Then, when users do what they are going to do anyway (select
>> the link in the address bar & copy it), it will work.
> ...which is why I intensely dislike Handles and PURLs.  Man-up (person-up? byte-up?) and make a long-term commitment to own the URLs you mint with your digital asset management system.
> Peter
> --
> Peter Murray         [log in to unmask]        tel:+1-678-235-2955
> Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
> Lyrasis   --    Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
> The Disruptive Library Technology Jester      
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