I wonder if something like Anthologize -- http://anthologize.org/ -- would be useful for doing this. From its "About" page: Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms WordPress 3.0 into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Grab posts from your WordPress blog, import feeds from external sites, or create new content directly within Anthologize. Then outline, order, and edit your work, crafting it into a single volume for export in several formats, including — in this release — PDF, ePUB, TEI. Peter -- Peter Murray [log in to unmask] tel:+1-678-235-2955 Ass't Director, Technology Services Development http://dltj.org/about/ Lyrasis -- Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers. The Disruptive Library Technology Jester http://dltj.org/ Attrib-Noncomm-Share http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/