

Hi Everyone,

Just a few updates on our upcoming code4lib 2011 conference here in Bloomington, IN.

As of this week we contacted everyone on the wait list to let them know if we have any more space. As of now we are at capacity for the event. If we have any cancellations we will contact people on the wait list in time order and see if they are still interested in attending.

As for wireless access for the event. I have been working with our central wireless networking group here at IU and we are replacing all access points in the IMU and hotel with new ones from HP that handle wireless 802.11 abgn.

Our central wireless group has recommended that if everyone has an 802.11n card (5Ghz radio spectrum) in their device that they will likely have a much better experience for connectivity – it does not mean that you have to have one it will just be better download speeds etc. If you use a newer apple product that is the case – if you have an n card in a windows7 device you can in most cases set that for being n channel radio all the time. Everyone will have their own IU wireless login for the duration of the event that will work across the entire IU campus. We are also installing some wired ethernet connections for folks who need to make large downloads etc. within Alumni Hall and will have dedicated wired connections for all speakers.

Shuttle Service from IND (Indianapolis International Airport) to Bloomington – There are two shuttle's that can bring you from IND to the IU Indiana Memorial Union and to some other hotels in Bloomington as well. We have contacted these groups to let them know the general size of our group etc. These shuttle's handle large groups all the time – however, if you plan to use these shuttle's I would recommend setting this up before hand especially if you are taking the shuttle back to IND on Thurs Feb 10 immediately after the conference – this way the shuttle's can plan for a larger bus if needed.

The shuttle information is listed below:

Bloomington Shuttle Service - 800–589-6004
Shuttle at IND to Bloomington – 6:40-8:40-10:40-12:40-2:40-4:40-6:40-8:40-10:40

Star of America - 800–228-0814
Shuttle at IND to Bloomington –6:20-8:20-10:20-12:20-2:20-4:20-6:20-8:20-10:20

We are working to get up the final schedule on the site this weekend and will make an announcement when this is ready.

Thanks again for all of your support in making Code4Lib 2011 a great event.



Robert H. McDonald
Associate Dean for Library Technologies and Digital Libraries
Associate Director, Data to Insight Center-Pervasive Technology Institute
Executive Director, Kuali OLE
Indiana University
Herman B Wells Library 234
1320 East 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: 812-856-4834
Email: [log in to unmask]<applewebdata:[log in to unmask]>
Skype/GTalk: rhmcdonald
AIM/MSN: rhmcdonald1