

Hi Everyone,

Just a note to remind you that we still have plenty of rooms left for our hotel at the Indiana Memorial Union for Code4Lib 2011. These rooms will be released from our block on Jan 7, 2011.

If you still need a room please contact the Biddle Hotel at the IMU at the Toll-free reservation line: (800) 209-8145 and use the code “CODE4” when registering.

For more on the Biddle Hotel and Accommodations please see -



Robert H. McDonald
Associate Dean for Library Technologies and Digital Libraries
Associate Director, Data to Insight Center-Pervasive Technology Institute
Executive Director, Kuali OLE
Indiana University
Herman B Wells Library 234
1320 East 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: 812-856-4834
Email: [log in to unmask]<applewebdata:[log in to unmask]>
Skype/GTalk: rhmcdonald
AIM/MSN: rhmcdonald1