

This is the fourth installment in a series about the activities of the NDSA working groups. If you have colleagues who are interested in participating in a working group, if you'd like to switch groups yourself, or if you're over committed and would like to remove yourself from a group, please, please contact the appropriate LC co-chair.

Outreach Working Group:
Co-Chairs: Carol Minton Morris ([log in to unmask]) and Butch Lazorchak ([log in to unmask])  

The Outreach Working group is defining opportunities for outreach within the NDSA and to the community beyond. This encompasses partner recruitment and support for innovative ways of providing outreach and education such as digital preservation unconferences and leveraging social media in creative ways. 
The group is concentrating its energies on the exploration of a high-level public awareness campaign, possibly through an entity such as the Ad Council. This activity has generated three Action Teams that are developing a statement of purpose, identifying potential audiences and looking at existing tools and outlets for disseminating information.

Further information on the Outreach Working Group activities can be found on the NDSA wiki at 

Best regards,


Michelle Gallinger
Digital Programs Coordinator
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20007
[log in to unmask]