

> How have you been liking neo4j so far? Is the neo4j
> graph database something that you have been using in SNAC? Have you
> been interacting with it mainly via gremlin, the REST API, and/or
> Java?

I've been using the tinkerpop graph processing stack, and the first
example I found in the documentation used neo4j, and it seemed to be
installed already with gremlin by it's pom.xml so I just went with it.
 The code should work with any graph database that blueprints

tinkerpop has something called rexster which gives a JSON/REST
interface to the graph.  This is what I'm planning to use as the
backend for an interactive javascript visualization of the graph.

> Just as an aside, I noticed that there are 66 edges that lack labels,
> and 8332 'associateWith' labels that probably should be
> 'associatedWith'?

Thanks, for catching this error, there must be a typo somewhere in the

> I'm also kind of curious to hear more about what
> 'associatedWith' means, is that something from EAC? I noticed that it
> can connect people, corporate bodies and families.

This is something I think Daniel Pitti came up with for the project.
Any named identity mentioned in the EAD is presumed to be
"associatedWith" the named identity of the collection creator -- but
if the named identity is in a correspondence series or there is
another clue that there are correspondence between the identities they
are tagged as "correspondedWith", a stronger connection.