

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Shirley Lincicum <[log in to unmask]
> wrote:

> Ross is essentially correct. Education is an authorized subject term
> that can be subdivided geographically. Finance is a free-floating
> subdivision that is authorized for use under subject terms that
> conform to parameters given in the scope notes in its authority record
> (680 fields), but it cannot be subdivided geographically. England is
> an authorized geographic subject term that can be added to any heading
> that can be subdivided geographically.

Wait, so is it possible to know if "England" means the free-floating
geographic entity or the country? Or is that just plain unknowable.

Suddenly, my mouth is hungering for something gun-flavored.

I know OCLC did some work trying to dis-integrate different types of terms
with the FAST stuff, but it's not clear to me how I can leverage that (or
anything else) to make LCSH at all useful as a search target or (even
better) facet.  Has anyone done anything with it?