


After about a year of development, we (a hospital library in Sweden) have published some programs that might be of interest for other libraries. They include:

Materio - publication platform which gives a common login system, where one can install modules (programs) which do stuff. Modules can be installed and upgraded on the fly for a (hopefully) zero-downtime environment. Modules can have separate data layers so that multiple libraries can use one and the same module.

Modules we have created so far:

Article harvester - aggregates published articles and presents users with new articles each week. We use it for academic coverage for doctors. It's easy for subscribers and gives them just the new stuff published.

Little Boxes CMS - a cms which can publish just about anything, but specialises in resources with dedicated link boxes, with file upload capability and a wysiwyg interface. Aimed to be quick and easy for administrators to work with. Functions approximately like iGoogle or Netvibes. (You can try it out at

Boing - ip-sensitive links. Can create permanent links which can point to different places according to caller ip. You can, for example, create a link called "Your library catalogue" that goes to the regional library catalogue (depending on caller IP).

Materio and modules are translatable, and are currently translated to English and Swedish.

In the works is a OpenURL resolver with integrated A-Z (journal) list.

Everything is licensed under AGPL 3 and created using PHP, MySQL and jQuery. If you wanna help out with development, please do.

Materio and modules:

Happy trails,

Tony Mattsson
Landstinget Dalarna Bibliotek och informationscentral