

Following up on Karen's message,

To go along with the PDF Karen sent I have attached a spreadsheet of the responses. The autogenerated report from the survey software is useful, but may leave some of you wanting to know a bit more about relationships between responses. For this spreadsheet I dropped the column that included the organization names. We can add that back in if everyone wants it, but I figured I would leave it out for the time being.

I'm  forward to looking over these results from the survey. I figure we can just walk through the results and see how these results confirm or complicate some of what we have been thinking about how the membership is approaching preservation storage.

Best, Trevor

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Karen Cariani [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 3:54 PM
To: NDSA list serv
Cc: Elizabeth Perkes; Minor, David; Howard, Barrie; Hurr, Gene (NIH/NLM) [E]; Michael Sterling; Dave MacCarn; Martin Jacobson
Subject: [NDSA-INFRASTRUCTURE] Infrastrcuture Working Group call
When: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

ey everyone -

Here's a reminder about our next phone call on Wed, Sept 21 at 1:00 EST.

Call-in number:  866-469-3239
Participant access code:  21408589

We plan to discuss the survey on our next call.   Attached is an auto generated report from our survey.  Take a look and think about how we might incorporate some of the info into our document.'

Karen and Trevor


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