

*Tee-hee!  Now that's a bit different: OCLC is at least theoretically governed
by the libraries that use it ... only a few OCLC members get to exercise
full democratic power ... **BUT the input of the councils and the membership
is on the agenda for the upcoming global council meeting next month **so do you
think something that might be about to change? *
I know of nothing that distinguishes the OCLC Inc. (labor, hiring/firing,
taxing, and bonus practices) from other corporations. Do you think the
November Global Council Meeting will change those practices?

The decoy is we don't get to talk to their bonus people; we get to talk to
dear, most helpful, leaders in our industry, friends hard working for OCLC.
But if any of our ideas turns profitable, then who gets the margin and the

The bonus people don't talk back to us. They won't answer these questions.