


On Oct 6, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Cindy Harper wrote:

> But can any of you add to my knowledge base here, and tell me:
> - is it possible to correct this problem easily in the AT code?

For me, the answer to this is no because I'm not very good at Java.  If you're good at Java or know someone who is, then this answer might be yes!  However, I think this is a MySQL issue and not an AT one.  This is my guess.

> - is the JDBCConnectionException due to the MySQL server timeout that is
> set by &connectTimeout?
> - is simply adding a parameter to the database URL an effective way of
> making sure that that parameter is used in each opensession instance?

I think the answer to these two questions are also no.  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  I believe the timeout is set in the config file.  For unix systems this is something like /etc/mysql/my.conf

If it were me, I would setup an instance of MySQL at your organization, one that you can tweak and config.  My feeling is that there's something fishy going on with your host's MySQL instance.  If you can't replicate the problem with your own MySQL instance, then that will safely rule-out any AT problems.  You could then use your MySQL configuration file and compare it with your host's, if they'll let you do that.

I've been running AT with our own MySQL database for over a year now and haven't had any problems.  If you find that there are no problems when you run MySQL internally, then you might want to find a way to host your own MySQL server.  Depending on the OS you're using, managing them is relatively painless, and it also might save your more time in the long run than wrestling with your hosting provider.


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