Microsoft labs awhile back released a few visualization tools that might be of interest: 1. Deepzoom: quickly explore gigapixel sized images and collections of images. Here's one of my favorite examples of Yosemite valley: And the classic Hard Rock Memorabilia site: 2. Pivot: 3. Photosynth - really innovative but perhaps limited in it's scope. Mike Beccaria Systems Librarian Head of Digital Initiative Paul Smith's College 518.327.6376 [log in to unmask] Become a friend of Paul Smith's Library on Facebook today! -----Original Message----- From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Julia Bauder Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 4:27 PM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [CODE4LIB] Examples of visual searching or browsing Dear fans of cool Web-ness, I'm looking for examples of projects that use visual(=largely non-text and non-numeric) interfaces to let patrons browse/search collections. Things like the GeoSearch on North Carolina Maps[1], or projects that use Simile's Timeline or Exhibit widgets[2] to provide access to collections (e.g., what's described here: , or in-the-wild uses of Recollection[3]. I'm less interested in knowing about tools (although I'm never *uninterested* in finding out about cool tools) than about production or close-to-production sites that are making good use of these or similar tools to provide visual, non-linear access to collections. Who's doing slick stuff in this area that deserves a look? Thanks! Julia [1] [2] [3] ********************************************* Julia Bauder Data Services Librarian Interim Director of the Data Analysis and Social Inquiry Lab (DASIL) Grinnell College Libraries 1111 Sixth Ave. Grinnell, IA 50112 641-269-4431