

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:09 AM, Richard, Joel M <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I feel this whole situation has tainted things somewhat. :(

Let's not blow things out of proportion.  The aforementioned
wrong-doing actually seems pretty innocent (there is backstory in the
IRC channel, I'm not going to bring it up here).  There is a valid
case for advertising interest in your talks (or location, or t-shirt
design, etc.), especially in an extremely crowded field, and we've
never explicitly set a policy around what is appropriate and what
isn't.  I think a simple edit on the part of the "accused" would clear
up any ambiguity of intention.

Our one "known" incident was handled privately, but didn't really
cause us to address the potential for impropriety.

We seem to have quite a bit of support for the splash page.  If people
will help me draft up the wording -- ideally something we can point to
when we want to guide people in the right direction in other forums --
I think we can put this issue to bed.
