

On 12/1/2011 3:24 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
> newline-delimited is certainly one simple solution, even though the 
> aggregate file is not valid JSON. Does it matter?  Not sure if there 
> are any simple solutions that still give you valid JSON, but if there 
> aren't, I'd rather sacrifice valid JSON (that it's unclear if there's 
> any important use case for anyway), than sacrifice simplicity.

That's the same question - "does it matter?" - that I had reading this 
thread.  If you have a ton of records to pack into a file, are the 
advantages of sending a json mime type over http and viewing it in a 
browser with jsonovich or whatever worth it when it's a really big file 

Seems that having 3-4 parsers that share the exact same idea of how to 
read/write individual records is the main story, and a great step forward.

+1 to y'all for getting this done.
-1 to me for never following through with my half-done pymarc 
implementation at c4lc '09 or whenever it was.
