

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 13:16, Ross Singer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> This fits in well with something I was thinking about earlier.  To me,
> the best way to "solve" the problem is to simply have more
> conferences.  I, personally, would like to do with away with the
> "regional" "brand" and just call everything by Code4Lib [Location]
> (which is pretty much how we refer to any 'main' conference in the
> past tense, anyway).  This way, there is no 'main' event.  There are
> just events.

And I'd wager that our "national" events are largely attended by folks
who live in the host's region.  'Course I could be wrong.

I would support THATCampizing code4lib in such a way; in fact, we're
moving CURATEcamp towards the same model.

