

Thank you Stephen for doing this! I'm copying the listserv (hope you don't mind) to get everyone else up to speed. As for our version of MediaWiki - it's not likely we'll get an upgrade any time soon. As you well know this ship ain't easy to turn..

Happy holidays (to all the list)


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Paul Davis [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 3:11 PM
To: Jones, Jimi; Andrea Goethals
Cc: Stephen Paul Davis
Subject: postings / editing

Jimi, Andrea:

Ok -- so, I've done a couple of things for now, more to come:

-- I added myself to the Digital Preservation WikiProject page as a participant ;}
-- I updated the Standards and Practices Wiki page Deliverables section to include a brief summary of what I think we've agreed we're doing (please correct if
-- I added a link there to the WikiProject page
-- I added a link there to a newly created page called "Digital Preservation Page -- draft outline" where I created a revised version of 
the outline we discussed yesterday.   On that page I made one significant 
structural change, creating a top-level heading called "Strategies for Digital Preservation" into which I moved a few of the broadly relevant topics that would likely apply to anyone doing digital preservation.
-- I added a starter definition for "digital preservation"
-- I moved some text from the current article into the new outline under "Refreshing/Cyclical Recopying"

In these last two tasks, I ran into a small hurdle, namely -- the version of MediaWiki NDSA is using is not the same as the one Wikipedia is using and doesn't 'correctly' handle <ref> tags and attributes.  (It also doesn't seem to allow for hierarchical lists that I can see, i.e., using #, ##, ### to create 1, 1.1., 1.1.1 -- although please let me know if I'm missing
something.)  I'm assuming LC hasn't upgraded MediaWiki recently, or added some extensions, since the editing documentation on MediaWiki's website clearly supports that kind of notation.

I think it's clear that some subset of us will need to do at least a bit of work on the new Digital Preservation page before we impose it on the world. 
We can do it on the NDSA MediaWiki, but will have to find some workaround for formatting the references.  For now I just left in the unrecognized <ref> tags and commented out the full reference so it's only visible in editing mode.

I'm willing to spend a bit of time over the next few weeks trying to work back into the new outline useful content from the existing article, and see how it goes.



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