Hi Content Working Group, Your co-chairs have been asked the following (need to respond by April 2), and we wanted to run this by the group: "We are pushing ahead with planning for the 7/24-26 partners meeting... As things now stand, we are looking at the afternoon of the second day for "workshops, breakouts and demos." There are two 1 hr. 45 min. periods available. In the past we have broken these periods into multiple concurrent sessions. To help us firm up how we can structure things, we need to know if any of the WGs want to secure one or more slots during this time to meet, present, etc." Cathy and I are thinking it might be good just to schedule a face-to-face CWG meeting to check in on how things are going with the content teams, etc. during this time, rather than try to schedule a workshop or something else. Any thoughts? Abbie ############################ To unsubscribe from the NDSA-CONTENT list: write to: mailto:[log in to unmask] or click the following link: http://list.digitalpreservation.gov/SCRIPTS/WA-DIGITAL.EXE?SUBED1=NDSA-CONTENT&A=1