

BLUF: don't embed the scheme, and don't bother with a "./" path component.

See section 5 of for more details.
 On Jul 19, 2012 1:53 PM, "Esha Datta" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working on a METS document and want to point to files using paths
> relative to the METS document.
> I was wondering what the current best-practice is in this situation. Can
> file URLs be used in this context? e.g.,
> <mets:techMD ID="techMD.ref3456_v3_ert01m_jhove">
>    <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple"
> xlink:href="./xsdf/techmd/ref3456_v3_ert01m_jhove.xml" MDTYPE="OTHER"
>   </mets:techMD>
> Is it preferable to prefix the path with the "file://" URL scheme?
> xlink:href="file:///./xsdf/techmd/ref3456_v3_ert01m_jhove.xml"
> Is there a better approach?
> Thank you for your feedback.
> Esha
> Esha Datta
> Programmer/Analyst