

Sorry for the short answer. Maybe pdftk 
is good for you.

On 07/ago/2012, at 07.23, Yong Tang wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a full time information science student and a part time LAMP server administrator. I was recently thrown into a file dumpster containing hundreds of old PDF files. My job is to clearn the dumpster up by putting right files into right folders.  I am facing some difficulties when writing a Perl script to get the job done. I would appreciate it if you could help.
> First of all, what tool /tools do you use to manipulate PDF file directly in a script? I tried some Perl modules such as CAM::PDF and PDF::API2. The results were not pretty. The original text format was lost.
> I am regret that I did not take a XML class last semester, for I just get an intuition that the best way to do this job is to save the PDFs into XMLs, and then work on the XMLs with script. Instead, I have to save the PDFs into plain texts. I found PDFedit and Adobe Acrobat X Pro were good because both of them kept original text format after the conversion. However, I have no idea how to use them to save multiple PDFs into plain texts at once.  I googled for the answers but found no luck.  Anybody knows how to do it?
> I am new to text processing. Maybe I am heading in a wrong direction for this project? Any input is appreciated.
> Yong Tang
> A student

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