
Print is the world's largest online resource for family history. We
have helped pioneer the market for online family history research, taking a
pursuit that was expensive and time-consuming and making it easy, affordable
and accessible to anyone with an interest in their family history. The
foundation of our service is an extensive collection of billions of historical
records that we have digitized, indexed and put online over the past 15 years.
These digital records and documents, combined with our proprietary online
search technologies, tools and collaboration features, have enabled our more
than 1.7 million subscribers to create nearly 33 million family trees that
contain nearly 4 billion profiles, and make meaningful discoveries about the
lives of their ancestors.

With employees around the world, we are committed to hiring the very best
talent. We are known for our cutting-edge technology, phenomenal innovation,
and we offer a compelling and rewarding workplace where you will thrive. We
seek out passionate people to join our mission of helping people discover,
preserve and share their family history. We invite you to explore and discover
the many opportunities that await you at

Job Description:

This is a full-time position, with benefits, working Monday through Friday at
our Silver Spring, MD office. Qualified candidates will be
computer literate, detail-oriented, and comfortable working at repetitive
tasks with accuracy and speed. Furthermore, the applicant
should be a goal-oriented individual who is equally comfortable working
independently and in a team environment. Compensation for
this position starts at $13.00/hour with opportunities for growth and
advancement based on merit.

Daily tasks for this position include:

  * Scanning historical documents, books, and microfilm for future publication to
  * Accurately record metadata from volumes to be scanned
  * Handle archival material according to strict guidelines and expectations
  * Perform basic image editing adjustments
  * Complete quality assurance audits on digitized content
  * Troubleshoot basic problems with hardware and software
The ideal candidates will possess:

  * The capacity to maintain a positive, engaged attitude while working at repetitive tasks
  * A temperament that easily adapts to changes in tasks and procedures
  * A willingness to learn new methodologies and software
  * An eagerness towards achieving personal and team goals
  * Professional experience in photography, history, and/or genealogy

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