

Dear NDSA,

It's been an eventful fall so far! While less dramatic than a super-storm, we've had plenty of activity happening in the NDSA in October. Here are the latest updates:

The Standards and Practices WG created a poster for presentation at iPRES, and won 2nd place for best poster! Special appreciation goes to Andrea Goethals, Jimi Jones, and Meg Phillips.

The Wayne State Student Chapter Colloquium was a great success with over 100 participants! Posters and presentations available:

The Levels of Preservation has been posted for public comment on The Signal,

Communication Strategy for the NDSA has been completed by the Outreach WG.

Standards and Practices co-chair Jimi Jones has accepted a position at Hampshire College. Kate Zwaard will be taking over as LC co-chair for the Standards and Practices Working Group. Best wishes to Jimi in his new adventure!

Upcoming Conferences:
NAGARA (National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators) call for proposals is ending November 2, 2012 - several great NDSA activities could be shared as presentations or a panel if you're looking for something to present.

Have You Read:
Electronic Musician Magazine has a metadata article by John Spencer

Archivematica and the Open Source Mindset for Digital Preservation Systems:

Get Your Bits Off (Old Storage Media)

Media Archaeology and Digital Stewardship: An interview with Lori Emerson

A Storage Technology Cage Match

I'm excited about all the great work that has been happening! Thanks for being such an important part of it all.

All best,


Michelle Gallinger
Digital Programs Coordinator
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20007
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